
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

See why It Is Important For Children To Learn Basic Computer And Coding Skills

Problem solving ability;

One of the benefits of children learning
computer skills and coding is that, it helps
them to be problem solvers. Critical
thinking skills can be developed out of
teaching your kids the basic computer
skills and coding. Computer skills teaches
your kids how to solve issues by looking at
the bigger picture, and then develop ways
of how to break them down into smaller
and more manageable tasks.
Coding helps the kids to be in a position to
relate issues with what they have learned
directly to their environment. Out of the
acquired skills kids can analyze different
situations and be able to come up with
solutions not just at their age but also
when they grow up.

Better and faster learning for kids;

Another important aspect of teaching your
kids coding and computer skills at a tender
age is that it helps them learn and grasp
concepts in class faster. Kids find it easy
to learn new concepts and with the help of
computer skills kids can boost their ability
of learning new things.
Kids who have been exposed to computer
at a tender age always have an advantage
over those who were introduced to
computers while they are adults. Through
the use of kids programs, they are
challenged to be creative and try to act
according to the things they learnt through
the computer classes.

To be able to operate Electronic devices at home;

The world has changed so much and
nowadays many households own devices
that relate to a computer or even the
computer itself. With easy access to
smartphones and laptops kids need to
learn how to operate these devices while at
home. Gone are the day when parents
used to deny their kids access to the
computer and other technological
products. When kids have the computer
skills they can visit educational sites on
the internet and be able to learn while at
Through the tutorials that are available on
the internet kids are able to learn lots of
things but this is only possible if they have
computer skills. Kids also need to learn
how to code because computers and
connected devices are all over and they are
what will shape their world as they grow

Storytelling Ability;

To be a good storyteller one must follow a
certain order in terms of narration. When it
comes to coding, the same sequence still
remains as one need to know, what to write
and why things follow a certain order. Most
programming languages designed for kids
usually use games to teach them how to
code, and this requires them to follow a
story line or sequence as they play and
code, and this is made possible if the kids
have computer skills.
Computer games that kids use to learn or
to code always have a story line that ties
them together; this enables kids to be
creative and great storytellers.
Better ratings on the job market when the
grow up
In this 21 st century there is almost no job
that exists that does not use some type of
computer technology, and therefore it is
advisable to ensure our kids have
computer skills. According to research
conducted by The Bureau of Labor
Statistics, jobs in the Computer and
Information Technology field are projected
to grow by 12 percent and account for 4.4
million jobs by 2024, which is a faster
growth rate than average.

Enhancing creativity;

Another benefit of introducing computer
skills to kids early is that it helps in
building their confidence and creativity.
This helps children to think outside the box
and be in a position to come up with new
Coding is an empowering skill on its own
and very fun for the kids to tag along with
while learning. Out of coding, kids can be
able to relate with Apps created by other
kids and be in a position to modify them to
fit their preferences.
The great minds in technology were
exposed to computers at a very tender age
and they learnt how to be creative at an
early age. This enabled them to come up
with awesome innovative ideas that
translated into products we use now.

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