
Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Running in the wee hours of the Morning
or in the late evenings has its pros and
cons. The pros are the obvious ones,
You know, you will be healthier , more
confident, stronger and happier and there
is no direct contact with the scotching sun
.Then there is the cons which are often
overlooked. So today’s post is more of
the ‘Red Alert’ kind of post, filled with all
the Warning Signs you can imagine.

(1) Keep warm

If you are going to run when the Sun is
not out , You might Want to keep warm.
Save the sports bras and vest tops or
light T. Shirts for the sun , put on
warm clothes on top, the universe still
needs you.

(2) Beware of your surrounding

We are living in a sick and twisted
society , so your safety should be your
number one priority. If you are going to
run very early or late in the evening
make sure you are familiar with the
area and sure of the route in case
anyone tries something, you will be quick
to dash to safety. Call it paranoya but
hey! If it is going to save a life then
….’oh well…..

(3) Keep your music low

I always run on a busy road in the
morning .i used to play my music so loud
until I realised how destructive it was, I
had zero knowledge when a car came too
close, I Paved off the pavements from time
to time because for some reason I
thought I was all alone and there were no
If your music is too loud, your
sourrounding becomes too silent and it is
important to know what is happening, if a
car is passing, you need to hear, you
need to know if other people are
coming your way etc….

(4) Make sure it is a path that is
always busy

Hey! Who runs on a lonely path in the
morning and in the evening, do not set
yourself up for danger

(5) Act fast when you notice strange

If you notice any strange characters, run
fast to the nearest busy place and seek

(6) Find a running partner

Crime is less likely to happen when there
is two people involved as opposed to
when you are alone and vulnerable and
a target for pretty much anything. So if
you can find a running partner then fond
one and stay safe

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