
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Another xenophobia attack: Nigerians face fresh attacks in South Africa

Nigerians that lived there, but my white landlady was shouting back that there was no Nigerian living there.

“ They came with all kinds of weapons—knives , rods and so on. I heard later that they shot people in similar attacks ,
but I couldn’t see if they had guns . I was peeping through the window. It happened between 8:21 am and 4:05 pm.
They went from house to house .

He added , “ When they didn ’t see us, they stole all our properties and burnt
my apartment with my clothes. Right now, I don ’t have a passport . I don’ t know whether they stole it or it got burnt down with the rest of my clothes and other belongings. I am now living in my car. The only clothes I have are
the ones on my back .”

Segun Adegoke, a four - year resident in South Africa, told our correspondent that at Church and Rebecca , the attacks took place 20 metres from a police station.

Adegoke, a friend of Nigerians
occupying the building , said, “ Our people went to the police station. The police said they should wait for people who were in charge of the matter
before they would come to their aid.

Nigerians locked the gate to that apartment building called Daily Word where the looting took place.
“ More than 21 apartments in that building were looted. People ’s passports , TV sets, and travelling bags containing heir clothes were taken away . Police officers were on the
ground when all of this took place.

When they (Nigerians ) locked that gate ,they refused entrance of the police into the building. The exact words of the police officers were , ‘Why won ’t you
people go back home?’”

“ A man and his wife had machete cuts on their hands. They have two kids , three and eight years old . A pastor was
also attacked with machetes ,”
Adegoke added

The Secretary General, Nigerian Union south Africa, Adetola Olubajo, said that the attacks began two weeks ago .

He said , “ It all started in Johannesburg.

They attacked an organised community and 29 cars were burnt down . We were there with the minister of home affairs
to have a security walkabout. That subsided , then we started hearing and seeing notices that these people wanted to attack foreigners , Nigerians in particular on February 23 and 24. So, we have been telling our people to be vigilant.

“ Nigerians are on the verge of fighting back , because their lives are in danger. These attackers are not here to scare
anybody. They are here to kill . I have seen them strike before .

Some of them(Nigerians ) have kids . Their entire lives
are here. ”Olubajo stated that apartments are commonly looted before being burnt down.

According to him , the attacks are carried out under the watchful eye of the police.
“ Some of our people said the police were looting with them , which is what we have seen before . It is not the first
time that we are seeing the police, who bare supposed to be protecting us,looting with the hoodlums .

“ The most annoying thing is that our mission here is about 5 km from the scene of the attacks . But none of them
is coming to do anything , while the embassies of other nationals , who have not been attacked , have demonstrated
their assistance .

“ We have informed the High
Commission of Nigeria , but they are not coming out. Some have even called the High Commissioner, ” he added .

Ukeje said in Abuja that the development should be
handled through intensified dialogue between the Federal Government and the South African Government on the
need for the latter to pursue deliberate policies of educating South Africans to be welcoming .

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